How to increase the strength of your capcthas

  1. Use complex characters: Instead of using simple letters or numbers, consider using complex characters such as kanji, Arabic or Cyrillic script. This makes the captcha more difficult for bots to read.

  2. Add noise: Introduce random dots, lines, or shapes in the background of the captcha image to make it more difficult for bots to isolate the characters that need to be recognized.

  3. Randomize font styles: Use different font styles, sizes, and colors for each character within the captcha. This adds an additional layer of complexity that makes the captcha harder to solve.

  4. Rotation and distortion: Rotate and distort the characters in the captcha by varying degrees, making them appear differently each time. This makes it harder for bots to recognize the patterns.

  5. Limit the number of attempts: To prevent brute force attacks, limit the number of attempts a user can make within a certain period of time. This ensures that bots cannot repeatedly attempt to solve the captcha until they are successful.

By implementing these measures, you can significantly increase the security of your captcha and make it more difficult for bots to bypass.

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